Uttar Pradesh: All Cane Development Councils will maintain daily recording of weather and its log

Lucknow: Commissioner, Cane and Sugar, Sanjay R. Bhoosreddy has instructed all the Deputy Cane Commissioners and District Cane Officers to keep daily weather records in the Cane Development Councils. Now at the level of all Cane Development Councils, daily recording of weather and its log will be maintained, so that departmental programmes can be implemented more effectively by using weather data as per requirement.

Giving detailed information in this regard, Shri Bhoosreddy said that there is a direct effect of climate and weather conditions on cane production and recovery, etc. He also informed that at present no personal weather data source is available with the department, whereas cyclic fluctuations in production due to seasonal changes affect the production of sugar and also makes it difficult to make forecasts of cane and sugar production.

He said that for resolving all these problems, if daily recording of weather is maintained at the level of Cane Development Councils and its log is maintained, then according to the weather, amendments can be made in the programs related to cane and sugar production by making accurate forecasts of it in the respective sugar mill area.

Guidelines have been issued to all the regions in this regard, that by selecting a suitable site in each Cane Development Council, rain gauge for daily rainfall, minimum-maximum thermometer for daily temperature and dry and wet bulb thermometer for daily humidity recording should be installed for daily recording of rainfall, temperature and humidity its logs should be maintained.


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