Allow exporting surplus sugar: Pakistan Sugar Millers Association to govt

The Pakistan Sugar Millers Association (PSMA) has urged the government to allow the export of surplus sugar.

PSMA claims that the sugar stocks at the start of the next crushing season would be around 1,736,017 metric tonnes.

The general body meeting of PSMA was organised to discuss the issue during which the demand was made to allow them to export sugar. The spokesperson of the Association said that, the sugar production in the country during 2021-22 was 7,905,564 metric tonnes.

As per the ministry’s data, a total of 8,027,270 tonnes of sugar was available at the end of last season and at least 5,316,473 metric tonnes of sugar were consumed till September 30, 2022.

PSMA claims that t he data proves that at least 1,736,017 metric tonnes of sugar will be available at the start of the next season which starts in November this year.

The PSMA General Body stated that the government can earn an additional $1 billion by exporting the excess sugar.


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