Brazilian Sugar and ethanol plants join hands to produce 70% alcohol to fight against Covid-19

To fight against the Covid-19, sugar mills and ethanol plants in Brazil have come together to produce 70% liquid alcohol and extend their assistance towards health facilities across the state of Goiás that are facing shortage of alcohol stocks for disinfectants.

According to reports, the Ethanol Industry and Manufacturing Union of the State of Goiás, the alcohol produced will be provided at free of cost and distributed to health units in the capital, the industries would also pass on liquid alcohol to municipalities in the interior of Goiás state. The industries are managing to transform ethanol into 70% alcohol since most of the companies do not produce alcohol gel owing to lack of a reagent – carbopol – that is part of the product’s composition.

The production of 70% alcohol will have an average of about 100 thousand liters. The main destinations, in addition to health units, are asylums, prisons and socio-educational units.
The union is acting in partnership with the state government against a determination by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) in 2002, which prohibited the sale of alcohol 70% net in retail.


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