Dharmapuri: Unavailability of sugarcane in local markets hit jaggery production in district

Dharmapuri: There’s a shortage of sugarcane in the local markets, which is causing a big problem for jaggery production in the district. Jaggery makers are losing money because they have to buy sugarcane from other states, reported The New Indian Express.

In the district, making jaggery is an important small business, and many people rely on it for work. But because there’s not enough water, sugarcane isn’t growing well, so the jaggery makers have to get it from places like Karnataka. This makes it more expensive to make jaggery.

Buying sugarcane from other states costs more than buying it locally. With other costs like paying workers and running the business, the price of jaggery might go up soon.

Each jaggery-making unit usually makes around 25 to 30 tons of jaggery every month. But because of the water shortage and hot weather, it’s getting more expensive to make jaggery.


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