Maharashtra: 40 sugar mills shut crushing operations

Pune: Sugarcane crushing season is in the last leg in Maharashtra as around 40 sugar mills have closed their operations.

To date, sugar mills in Maharashtra have produced 124.75 lakh tonnes of sugar by crushing 1194.75 lakh tonnes of sugarcane. Sugar output in Maharashtra is likely to cross 135 lt as 90 lt of sugarcane is yet to be crushed.

The area under cane cultivation has increased to 12.3 lakh hectares this season as against 11.3 lakh hectares in the 2020-21 season. Despite the increasing crushing capacity of the mills, they are not able to complete the crushing of available cane in their region. The situation has arisen in Marathwada region. However, the mills from Sangli and Kolhapur district are closing their operations after crushing all the cane available in the region.

Sugar mills in Sangli and Kolhapur have crushed 251.29 lt of the cane while the mills in Solapur and Osmanabad have crushed 279.31 lt of cane.


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