Maharashtra: Sugarcane crushing in Solapur and Kolhapur regions almost ends

Sugarcane crushing season in Maharashtra’s Kolhapur and Solapur region has almost ended.

In Kolhapur, out of 40 mills, 39 have ended operations, while in Solapur, 49 out of 50 mills have stopped production.

During the season in the Kolhapur region, around 240.83 lakh tons of sugarcane were crushed, resulting in the production of 278.67 lakh quintals of sugar. Similarly, in Solapur, 217.84 lakh tons of sugarcane were processed, yielding 204.76 lakh quintals of sugar.

Overall sugar production in Maharashtra has surpassed the previous season, totaling over 109 lakh tons. A total of 207 sugar mills were operational, comprising 103 cooperative and 104 private mills, processing a combined 1064.95 lakh tons of sugarcane. By April 15, 2024, the state had produced 1091.36 lakh quintals (109.13 lakh tons) of sugar.

Comparatively, 189 mills have ceased sugar production this season, whereas 211 had stopped production during the previous season. Additionally, the sugar recovery rate has slightly increased this year.

As of April 15, 2024, the sugar recovery rate in Maharashtra stands at 10.25%, a slight improvement from 10.00% recorded during the last season.


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