First white sugar refinery plant commissioned in Uganda’s Kinyara

Masindi: The first-ever white sugar refinery plant worth $15 million has been commissioned at Kinyara Industrial unit in Masindi District, report local media.

The inauguration of the plant was done by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. The plant is the first in East Africa and will produce 60,000 metric tons of industrial white sugar annually using about 70,000 metric tons of mill brown sugar raw materials.

President said, “We will be able to tap East Africa’s market where the demand for industrial sugar is about 150,000 metric tonnes. I will negotiate with these countries for our sugar and we are planning to impose a tax on the imported industrial sugar.”

In a tweet, Museveni said, “I commissioned Kinyara Sugar Limited’s Industrial Sugar Refinery Plant today in Masindi District. Besides giving our people additional employment, this plant will help us save $60m annually which we have been spending on the importation of industrial sugar.”

The annual sugar production in the country is 600,000 metric tonnes and the domestic consumption is 380,000 metric tonnes. The president has assured the country of finding a market for the remaining 220,000 metric tonnes.

“I am discussing the issue with the East African neighbours as they have a sugar deficit. I am talking with H.E Samita Suluhu Hassan of Tanzania, H.E Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya and with Rwanda to resolve the issue,” he further added.


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