Uttar Pradesh: CCTV cameras in cane department offices to increase transparency and security

Lucknow: Registrar, Co-operative Cane and Sugar Mills Societies, Shri Sanjay R. Bhoosreddy informed that, instructions have been issued to install the CCTV cameras in the outer premises and functional rooms of Co-operative Cane Development Societies of the state along Cane Development Councils, District Cane Officers and Regional Deputy Cane commissioners offices.

After a detailed discussion in the weekly review meeting at the Headquarters level, it has been decided that CCTV Cameras should be installed in all ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ grade Cane Societies of the State and all financially capable ‘D’ grade Cane Societies of the state as well as in external office premises of Cane Development Councils, District Cane Officers and Deputy Cane Commissioner offices and all functional internal rooms like all the office rooms, meeting rooms and management committee rooms. In view of security, all the external and internal premises of the office will be completely covered under the range of cameras.

Along with the Cooperative Cane Societies, web enabled cameras will be installed in the outer premises and all the internal working rooms of Cane Development Councils, District Cane officer and Deputy Cane Commissioner’s office, which will be linked directly with the CUG number of the concerned officer along with the Joint cane commissioner, Society and Additional Cane Commissioner, Development. With this arrangement, the concerned officers will be able to keep a close watch on the activities of their office even while in the meeting etc. and the activities of the regional offices can be viewed at any time at the headquarters level.

Shri Bhoosreddy also informed that the installation of web enabled cameras in the outer premises and all functional internal rooms of all regional offices will increase transparency in the offices and the security of the office will also be strengthened.


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